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中國擁有悠久歷史,古人的智慧不容小覷,甚至在某些方面,比現代人還要聰明。時代不斷進步,但為人處世的經驗大同小異,許多古代名言警句,至今讀起來依舊有種醍醐灌頂的感覺。《論語》寫道:「吾日三省吾身:為人謀而不忠乎?與朋友交而不信乎?傳不習乎?」若真正做到每天反省三次,成功指日可待。 ... 古代讚美朋友之間情誼的詩詞多如牛毛,比如白居易的「同是天涯淪落人,相逢何必曾相識」,同病相憐之人,即使以前不認識,也能成為心靈相通的朋友;高適的那句「莫愁前路無知己,天下誰人不識君」,是家喻戶曉的千古絕唱,沒有一絲離別傷感,卻蘊含對朋友的祝福。 王維的詩句「勸君更盡一杯酒,西出陽關無故人」,心中的不舍與深情,千言萬語也說不盡,唯有勸他多喝幾杯,一切都在酒杯之中。另外,幾千年來,普通百姓在生活中總結出很多道理,並且用簡單的語言表達出來,久而久之形成固定的語句,成了所謂的俗語、諺語。 ... 相對於名言警句,俗語往往比較口語化,簡單形象通俗易懂,有些還帶有地方特色,經過千百年的口口相傳,因寓意深刻,被人們記錄下來。雖然俗語或許沒有名言更正式,但應用範圍比較廣,哪怕讀書不多之人,也能清楚理解俗語所表達的含義。俗語中包括一些有關朋友的,今天就介紹兩個,一起來看一下。 一、娶妻娶德不娶色,交友交心不交財 俗話說,嫁錯人毀一生,娶錯人毀三代,對於一個男人來說,最值得驕傲的不是事業成功,也不是擁有多少財富,而是娶到賢惠的妻子,應驗了一句話:「成功男人的背後,必然有一個支持他的老婆。」愛美之心人皆有之,但選擇另一半的時候,一定不能只看外表,應該把人品放在第一位。 ... 縱觀歷史上的名人,但凡娶了相貌不出眾,甚至可以說很醜的妻子,往往都有不俗的成就。黃帝的妻子嫫母,據說長得比較丑,還登上古代醜女排行榜,但嫫母品德賢淑、性情溫柔,還發明了鏡子;鍾無艷因外貌不佳,四十歲還沒嫁出去,齊宣王不在乎,娶了鍾無艷。在鍾無艷的勸諫下,齊宣王勤於政事,齊國日益強盛。 三國謀士諸葛亮,身高八尺風流倜儻,卻不顧眾人質疑的目光,迎娶醜女黃月英過門。毫不誇張地說,諸葛亮之所以有後來的功績,成為一代名相,離不開黃月英的賢德與幫助。再美的容顏,也經不起歲月的打磨,看久了也會厭煩,好的品行卻能保持長久,當美貌和賢德不可兼得時,舍美貌而取賢德。 ... 再說「交友交心不交財」,這句話更好理解,結交朋友,最看重的是彼此的興趣愛好和真誠,志趣相投的友誼最靠譜。如果只是因為利益走到一起,表面上關係很融洽,其實不堪一擊,不交心的友情,頂多算是酒肉朋友,當你有困難時,他極有可能袖手旁觀,甚至落井下石。所以,交心之人,才能真正稱得上好朋友。 二、朋友妻不可欺,朋友夫不可撫 世人皆知「朋友妻不可欺」,其實後面一句「朋友夫不可撫」更經典,知道的人卻不多。先看「朋友妻不可欺」,遇到坦誠相待的朋友,堪稱人生一大幸事,但被好友挖牆腳的事情也不少,實在讓人唾棄。有人說,愛情不分對錯,但生而為人,要恪守道德底線,否則與動物沒有區別。 ... 宋代《明義集》記載,有一位非常恩愛的夫妻,男子姓劉,他的妻子姿色過人。劉某有個無話不談的摯友姜某,經過長時間接觸,姜某竟然喜歡上劉某的妻子,兩人越走越近。劉某又不傻,看出姜某的心思,但又不想失去這個朋友,就找個機會到請姜某到酒館吃飯,趁店小二上湯的時候,故意碰了一下他,使湯撒在朋友姜某身上。 姜某本想發火,劉某勸說道:「別生氣,店小二也不是故意的。」從這句話中,姜某聽出劉某的話外之音。回家之後,姜某越想越愧疚,感覺對不起朋友劉某,在心裡默念幾百遍「朋友妻不可欺」,並且不再與劉某的妻子來往。由此可見,不管在什麼時候,都不能對朋友的妻子有邪念,否則將會被世人瞧不起,名聲一敗塗地。 ... 再來分析「朋友夫不可撫」,意思跟「朋友妻不可欺」相同,只是主角不一樣。女生大多都有聊得來的閨蜜,閨蜜之間的審美觀也差不多,選擇男朋友和丈夫的標準都相似。個別女生,會情不自禁喜歡閨蜜的男友,然後就挖牆腳,這類事情屢見不鮮。甚至城府太深的女生,會經常故意說閨蜜男友的壞話,勸閨蜜與他分手,然後自己跟閨蜜的男友悄悄在一起,簡直太不道德。 你對「朋友妻不可欺,朋友夫不可撫」,是如何看待的呢?歡迎留言討論。
This series of books teach the word families in a fun, engaging way with stories and activities. As teaching the young children, this will help students start the very beginning reading, especially get the sense of sounds and words. Each lesson covers a word family story and followed by exercises to help students to:
●recognize word patterns and common phonetic sounds;
●build the vocabulary and improve spelling skills;
●learn to read and understand stories;
●enhance oral reading fluency and have fun!
楊耀琦 Archie Yang
美國University of New Haven 教育研究所
「引導式英文寫作」、「From Phonics to RT 1、2、3」、「Super Phonics 1、2」、「Sight Words to Reading 1、2」、「Sight Words to Reading 1、2」、「Sight Words字卡(220張字卡+教案說明)」、「唱歌謠。唸韻文。讀劇本系列(共五冊+5AVCD)」、「讀者劇場Easy Show」、「繪本讀劇」…等三十多本
楊峰 Ian Yang
杭州Reading Lab 童說閱讀工作室課程指導教師
杭州探客戶外用品有限公司 跨境事業部 北美市場總經理
How to Use This Book
Unit 1
-ain Word Family
No Pain No Gain
Unit 2
-ale Word Family
Dale and Gale
Unit 3
-ell Word Family
A Spell on the Bell and the Shell
Unit 4
-ice Word Family
Three Little Mice on the Ice
Unit 5
-ock Word Family
What a Shock!
Unit 6
-ore Word Family
No More Chores!
Reader’s Theater
Three Little Mice on the Ice
Word List
Word Families? What/Why/When/How?
What are word families? They are groups of words that have a common feature or pattern. They have the same letter combinations, a similar sound, and they're a wonderful tool for those new to spelling. For example, at, cat, hat, and fat are a family of words with the "at" sound and letter combination in common. But, that understanding can be built upon, when you consider how many other words belong to the "at" family. From "bat", “cat”, students can advance to tougher words, such as “combat” and “copycat”. How does it work in reading? Take “at” word family for example:
A cat
A fat cat
A fat on the mat
A fat cat sat on the mat with a bat
Word families help students learn to read, while building their vocabulary. Being able to recognize patterns and common phonetic sounds is the foundation for strong spelling skills. Of course, not every word in the English language can be sounded out, but this is an ideal place to start.
According to the National Council of Teachers of English, there are 37 common word families that come out 500 words. The 37 most common word families in English are: ack, ain, ake, ale, all, ame, an, ank, ap, ash, at, ate, aw, ay, eat, ell, est, ice, ick, ide, ight, ill, in, ine, ing, ink, ip, it, ock, oke, op, ore, ot, uck ,ug, ump, unk.
Many of the nursery rhymes contain common word families. You can use these rhymes to teach these letter combinations (and how they are spelled and spoken), having the students sound them out after memorizing the rhyme. For example, the words away, day and play which belong to “ay” word family in the kid song “Rain, Rain, Go away”.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Little Johnny wants to play
Rain, rain, go away
As we can see, all of these rhyming words make the song much easier to read and sing. It’s one of the best ways to help kids start to read. Students can use the website to look for more words that belong to word families. (www.rhymezone.com)
The stories and activities in this series of books teach the 24 most common word families in a fun, engaging way. As teaching the young children, we hope this will help students to start the very beginning reading, especially to get the sense of sounds and the words. When children begin to read, they must sound out every letter.
Through the activities from the book, we can see how word family patterns help children's spelling. They are able to recognize spelling patterns and apply these to other words of the same family. When learning families of words, children are able to read familiar patterns of letters quickly and fluently. Every child learns differently. Doing word family activities is a great way to involve kids' whole bodies to reach kids of many different learning styles, and help struggling learners as well.
- ISBN:9789869753852
- 叢書系列:
- 規格:平裝 / 84頁 / 19 x 26 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
- 本書分類:> >
壹讀 https://read01.com/KDg6RJ0.html
博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010838041
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